I have an opportunity

Use the search tool below to find people who specialize in the things you are looking for, or who are interested in the opportunity that you have.


Here are some tips for reaching out to potential candidates.

1. Make sure to include context: let them know you found them through this database, introduce yourself, and explain the details of the opportunity.

2. Let them know how to start started with you and a date by which you’d need a response.

3. Candidates will not respond to messages that come off like spam or scams. Avoid copy/pasted messages.

We recommend listening to this episode of our podcast, which provides tips and mindset shifts about building a diverse team, prior to starting your outreach!

Morgan Lucas

Contact me via email:Email hidden; Javascript is required.

I’m Morgan - A Cloud DevOps Developer with an A.S in Network Infrastructure and Azure Certifications.

After graduating with several certs and a degree, work was hard to come by, so I decided to look at the tech around my house and see if I could apply my degree knowledge to what I found - and explain that for others to understand,and I do that at runtcpip.com.

My knowledge is pretty wide, so throw whatever you'd like at me. I taught myself Terraform in about 2 weeks, we can figure something out.

I specialize in:
  • Development/code
  • Content writing
  • Tech support
  • Customer success
  • Computer networking
I am interested in:
  • Writing a guest post
  • Contributing to a project
  • FT/PT work